2013年10月4日 星期五

Best and worst remedy

Best and worst remedy 

When I was in elementary school, I easily got fever and sick. The best thing at the kind of situation is don’t need to go to school, but it felt suffering to conquer the diseases. So every time when I faced this problem, my mom always cooks ginger tomato soup to let me heal the sickness, and stewed pear with crystal sugar to cure the coughing and sore throat.

Ginger tomato soup
boil all the material together
        2  big tomatoes
        2/3 pot quantity water
        1 potato
        season: salt , pepper, ½ ginger

        some soybean product : tofu ,vegetarian meat
Even the smell is good, but the taste of ginger soup always extremely spicy and hot. When I was little I always eat reluctantly, but it helped me overcome the sick soon. However, I kind of miss this meal now. I tried to ask my family how to cook it but they just forget, so I can only memorize some tips of what they did it.

Stewed pear with crystal sugar
 In the ancient time of Asian, Stewed pear with crystal sugar has the effect of moistening the lungs
     1~2 Chinese pear (brown)
     4~7g crystal sugar
     1 bowl

First, shell the pear peer and put the pear in the bottom of the bowl. Second, slice pears in to several big pieces. After that, put the pear into brown and sprinkle all the sugar to cover the pear. Finally, put the bowl into rice cooker to stew for more than 1 hour.

The taste is really good even someti,es i were not sick i want to try this, is anyone who keep coaghing and with yellow Sputum (not white ) they can try this