2013年9月27日 星期五


An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth
  The idiom came from the concept of the principle law Hammurabi from old Barbarian
If someone damage your eye, you can tear down one of his/her eyes as revenge and its fair.On the other hand, if someone let you broken your tooth you can take one of tooth from them, too.
When I first saw this idiom I felt the people in old Barbarian were very violent; how they can think some more moderate law.
But I believe because this strong concept of law the citizen in Old Barbarian will afraid to obey the rule or do some harmful things to others. And it's true that if you want people treat you nice, you need to treat them good as well.

You are an apple of my eye
  When I was in Taiwan, there was as a very famous novel which author write a story if his teenage life, when he loved a girl for 8 years. At the graduation of their junior high school, he draws an apple on t-shirt to send to her as a gift. And the metaphor of that t-shirt is: you are a most important person in my life. Even though, they had never been together he can't sent the idiom- "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" to her. But I think this is better words, and can let the girl remember for a long time
 I hope one day I can say this to other if I can find a person is so important to me.

2013年9月16日 星期一

Life in Taiwan

Life in Taiwan

Taiwan, my hometown, is surrounding by ocean, have been called as Formosa.  The first Portuguese sailors saw Taiwan; they called it Formosa– “Beautiful Island” in 16th century.  Taiwan is much different than US in 21st Century. Such as the culture, races, geography, and  food. However, to sum up there are two distinct different between Taiwan and U.S.

The first difference between Taiwan and the U.S. is the convenience bring by space. In U.S. you can't go everywhere without car, because the locations always to big from places to places. The resources and information are hard to catch also.  When I was in Taiwan the transportation system is really organized. People can go everywhere by public transportation .Buying and treasuring a car is hard to afford for most of people, so they choose to buy scooters than buying a car.

The second difference between Taiwan and U.S. is the night life. In Taiwan most of the stores and shop open until 9 pm or 10pm. Department stores will open until 11pm.  Especially Cities seems like never-sleep places. Our special products are night markets. If you are hungry or get up at midnight but don't know where to eat, night markets will always welcome you to visit. I miss all the food in Taiwan in U.S. only 7-11 or some fast food shops will open overnight.